
Here I post things, it is pretty cool huh?


space dance

Feb 13, 2025


bee half covered by a moon shape, inside the shape star is black an white as if a constellation on a backdrop of stars

H.S. — Tom Cardy

keyboard clips

Feb 09, 2025

I have recently joined a hackerspace, and since i have been wanting to get more into writing, as well as recently purchased an ereader which i have been loving, i decided i wanted to manufacture a pair of clips to attach my e reader to my keyboard for writing usage!

I spent a fair few hours learning freecad, measuring both devices, and creating a cad document of a structure to hold the tablet.

CAD sketch with mesurements CAD sketch with mesurements CAD sketch with mesurements

The images of the sketch are of the later iteration 2, i do not have screenshots of iterations 1's sketch

I designed it with the intent to allow the design to bend slightly in order to allow a snapping motion to attach each device. with both snapping points having a slight arc doubling as better cradling the devices curves. I did later discover that i mistook a pair of lines as parallel in the design, but this didn't turn out to be a problem.

After spending some hours at home, i headed out to the hackerspace (for the first time!) and from there i started 3d printing! A massive thanks to hank who spent his time teaching me how to use the printers, and helped to solve problems!
Our first print did fail due to some lifting from the build plate, but the second print went well!
iteration one and the failed print

Testing iteration one, i found that the snapping was a bit too hard, and the tolerances a bit too tight on the e reader. To solve this i increased the height of the e reader in the sketch by 1mm, and increased the tolerances from 0.1mm to 0.25mm. I also added a small fillet to the edge faces to prevent elephant

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Jan 31, 2025

today i performed two experiments on my way home from a date with my partner[1]

the first one was my gloves, usually i use a pair of fingerless bike gloves when wheeling around, however they are made of plastics and other non renewable fabrics, so i've been wanting to find an alternative.
I found a pair of fingerless leather gloves the other week while exploring a farmers / wholesale market, they are very comfortable but i have found they are not great for wheelchair use. the first and main problem is grip, the leather gloves are surprisingly slippery and as a result i have to use more force when breaking. as well as that i found myself using my thumb more when pushing which would develop a blister if i continued too much. its more protection then nothing, but not well suited for wheelchair usage. i imagine it would be possible to make some wheelchair designed leather gloves, however at the moment i don't have those. there is also the small issue of as they are new, the fuzzy leather on the inside turns my hands black as if i have been holding charcoal.

the second experiment was my route. i took a different street home from what i usually do. my usual path is fine but it has a lot of extremely steep curb-cuts which can even be so steep as to be dangerous. this other street i have taken is much easier on the curb cuts due to many renovations of corner houses, however the overall camber of the street is much more harsh. that said a harsh camber is preferable to falling out of my

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Jan 20, 2025

[changelog 2025.01.20]

I added a tags system for my site! now i can tag posts!


Aug 29, 2024

[changelog 29.08.2024]

Today i added support for multiple images to appear in both embeds across the web, and also as thumbnails on my art page!
very enjoyable, very cute! i used the magic of scroll snapping to achieve it so that when you scroll onto one it will have the right gaps and things


Jun 24, 2024

[changelog 24.06.24]

I added pagniation to my site because maybe loading several hundred images in a single page, even with caching and lazy loading, is a bad idea. my art pages are paginated at 60 posts per page (because it can be divided by 3, 2, and 1. the different column sizes my site has), and my blog at 10 (because its a nice number and blog posts take up more space). happy its finally done!

I also want to eventually implement multiple images in the page metadata, so that art pieces can  have multiple images in them and other sites can render that, but my metadata code is Bad at the moment so i cannot.


Apr 25, 2024

[changelog 25.04.2024]

Yesterday, i was thinking once again about digital tombstones. The things we leave behind once we are no longer online for whatever reason. My site is not static, the server is programmed with nodejs, express, and liquid (and other irrelevant stuff). while some pages are more manually crafted, the blog/art pages autogenerate from the 800+ posts on my site (which is a lot wow), and then each post page is generated via its own page, markdown, etc.

This means as soon as i can no longer afford to pay my VPN bills, my website vanishes. I do not want this.

So yesterday and the day before i gave myself the task of making my site generator able to run on its own, apart from the actual web server itself. and i did that! i can now generate my entire site via a small script, and have that running every two weeks on my server, so in the worst possible case, i will only loose two weeks of my work. You can visit the archive here. The archive has a notice that it is an archive, and a date it was last updated!

It is being hosted on neocities, which i picked because it's goal has always been to provide free and good hosting for static sites, and while it is smaller then something like amazon, i think it will stick around for a long time. in fact the neocities supporter will be the second last subscription i have that i get rid of to reduce spending. (the last being the server itself). it's not perfect, but its the best solution for me, for now.

Reading Suggestions:

Cyber Mauseoleums, by neonaut

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Updated h-card

Apr 12, 2024

[changelog 12.04.24]

i updated my h-card today! Removed some stuff, changed stuff around to make it look nicer, added some stuff (my pgp key and my xmpp handle), all in all made it more represntitive of what i want to put myself out as. i am not my work, i am me! and i want to communicate!

Bee's SmallWeb Journey, Ep.2

Apr 11, 2024

Web Web

Motherfucking Website - Some stuff about how the web is more accessible by default then it is mostly
Better Motherfucking Website - A response to the above, about how the default accessability could be better very easily
Grumpy Website - a big list of bad designs
Tonsky - Checkbox - A tribute to checkboxes
neonaut - Just a bunch of thoughts about the web


dedware - Beautiful Biological Art
Rondoel - Amazing Comics
Ditherit - Make any image dithered!
Diode Tapestry - Just some beautiful lifelike art and photography

Personal Sites

Castle Cyber Skull  - The coolest virtual castle you will ever visit (a true estimate to the early web)
Mothclub - Columbo - Columbo...
Simone's Computer - I heard you liked computers so i put computers in your computers


Defensive Computing Checklist - Protect yourself, Own your technology.
Ink & Switch - Interesting papers and experiments on how we interact with computers

Prev | Next

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My Visualisation of the Portal Problem

Apr 10, 2024

Speedy Thing goes in, Speedy Thing Comes Out

Not made for mobile

To me, in order to understand the portal problem we should imagine portals as doorways, i know that a doorway cannot have two sides in differing places but that's ok if they lead to ""different"" rooms. this shows how when following this train of logic, the momentum that flings the cube comes from the other room ""moving"" (due to perspective of the main room). I know this problem has been done to death but i wanted to visualize it


Mar 30, 2024

[changelog 30.03.24]

I finally moved all my static files to a /static url so they weren't all on the base url, had to do a bit of fenagiling with that.

I also added metrics! just tells me how many times a page has been visited and the number of kudos. i have chosen not to put this on the actual site however because i don't like the peer pressure type feeling that would create, i also feel pressured by numbers to do Good Posting, so i have come up with a comprimse where for me the data is hidden by default and i have to press buttons to see it. it does also mean that kudos is avaliable on every page now and not just posts c:

I also added some css for insert and delete so that i can better update things!

I also removed the tweemoji script, meaning everything on my site is now first party, when you open my site you are only talking to me. one on one personal conversation. a lil gay if you ask me <3

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Mar 16, 2024

[changelog 16.03.2024]

(i am also now making these posts as a changelog series)

An interview on the state of the internet

Mar 14, 2024

Conducted by my sister

My sister is going to uni for creative arts and technology, for some of her work she needed to talk to people in the industry, meaning artists and web developers.
I, being both an artist and web developer, was asked to be interviewed. The interview is as follows:


Sister: i was just messaging you to ask if you have seen or know of any industry trends or emerging technology that is appearing in the creative arts industry?

Bee: Something I've seen as an independent web developer is that users and especially artists are moving away from major companies like Alphabet (formerly Google) and Meta (formerly Facebook) and X (formerly Twitter) in favor of their own websites, either commissioned or making it themselves on places like neocities. Major Internet Services have been becoming less and less user friendly and bombarding users with unpleasant experiences such as high numbers of ads, worsening service, and poor moderation. Moving to individual sites is giving users, and again especially artists, control over their own media and centralizing their work into one place. This is a familiar sight to those who were on the internet from the late 90s to the early 2010s, and I believe that this will probably be the cycle until the end of capitalistic interests on the web, going back and fourth between individual sites and monopolistic sites as services improve and worsen.

S: You are saying that independent web developers and artists are moving away from major companies in favor of a more

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A Word on Modern Minecraft

Mar 13, 2024

And the communities feelings on it. Alternative title: "I am autistically in love with this game."

I love minecraft, over the 12 years i have been playing it, i don't think i have had more then a months break from it. And i don't think i've gone even a day without consuming content from the community. The game has certainly changed from what it was;


I have been seeing more and more people complaining about modern minecraft; too many blocks, too many things to do, too different from what it was.
And that's fine, i don't mind people having those views, what i do mind is them Constantly treating them as fact!

So i am going to talk about the good things about modern minecraft that i love:

  • So many blocks! I love so many blocks!
        A recent video essay i watched said this:

    The question i always asked myself was "what can i make with these blocks?" the more that was added the more the question became "what blocks will i use to build this?"
        and to that i say? so? you have the power to restrict block types, or experement with including more then you usually do. BdoubleO100 is amazing at this, in a recent hermitcraft episode[1] he mixed 15 different blocks into a single wall, not including detailing, and it looks like one of the most cohesive and unified walls i have ever seen in minecraft! you do not have to use the new blocks, often at the begining of a world you can't, and that is fun! but choice is also fun and you have the choice on whether to use them or not. Minecraft is full of wonderful and creative blocks and you should try them out, because you just

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Mar 10, 2024

i added a kudos button to my posts, so you can tell me if you liked them, i think its very cool and just something fun c:

Bee's SmallWeb Journey, Ep.1

Mar 10, 2024

in which star explores the small web and share's what star finds!

I have been exploring the small web recently, and i wanted to share my journey because an important aspect of both the old and small web is linking to other sites!, A personal site of one Erich Friedman, he does a lot of different things and they are all things he is interested in. you may have heard it from his shape packing page!, A small web search engine! a big part of my current small web exploration, A website that teaches you a bunch of tech tools and in a bunch of languages, While not exactly a small web site, and is relatively well known, it hosts a lot of sites that are on the small web and does so for free! on of the most important sites of the current internet imo., Again a well known small-web site, it has a bunch of different little games but my personal favorite page is his exploration of dark patterns!, In the same vein as neils dark patterns page, this explores how bloated the main web has become, and my experience seeing the mainweb become what it is, is why small web is important to me!

if you want to join the small web, i suggest making a website on neocities, and making it by hand. i find the joy in creating websites is the same in painting, sure i could have a computer do it for me but the process is as important as the result for me! I plan to eventually make a guide in a style that i think actually works, giving you the pieces rather

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Minecraft Fun Guide

Nov 22, 2023

Adapted from Ron Miller's Advanced Improvisational Practice Guide

A. Daily Affirmations

a. How fortunate i am that in this life i am one who has been allowed to creat fun with minecraft.
b. It is my Responsability to create peace, beauty and love with minecraft.

B. I Will Be Kind to Myself

b. No matter the level of my minecraft experience, how good or bad i think i am, i tis only minecraft and i am a beautiful person
c. I will not compare myself with my fellow players, if they make amazing builds i will enjoy it and be thankful and proud that i am a member of this community.
d. There will always be someone more minecraft skills than my own as there will always be those with less

C. Reasons to Play Minecraft

a. To contribute to the world's spiritual growth.
b. To contribute to my own self discovery and spiritual growth.
c. To pay homage to all great minecrafters, past and present who have added beauty to the world.

D. Rid yourself of the following reasons to play minecraft

a. To be the best
b. To be "Hip"
c. To hurt others
d. To get rich or famous

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Oct 19, 2023

A simple work hours logger

So, i do commissions in several media forms, and i usually charge an estimate based on hourly pay. 
For art, thats very easy, as krita happily records time worked on a project! 
Screenshot displaying krita's inbuilt work timer

However, i also program, and that doesn't really have a built in timer. so yesterday i buckled down and built one!


Worklog is a simple cli program that logs your time worked, with five simple commands. init start stop milestone and list. One of the big design ethos i decided on for the program is i wanted the log file itself to be human readable, partly because i believe that most software should store data agnostically to the software that created it, and also because i wished to have an easy time to edit it so that i could correct issues.
As a result, the work log can look like this*:

Thu 01 Jun 2023 17:41:03 AEDT / 05:00:00
Thu 27 Jul 2023 17:41:03 AEDT / 03:00:00
Fri 06 Oct 2023 17:41:03 AEDT / 00:15:00
Fri 06 Oct 2023 18:41:03 AEDT / 00:20:00
Wed 18 Oct 2023 17:47:21 AEDT / 00:10:00

* This log was created after the project it is logging was completed, so the times are genetic and innacurate

Each line either has a date and duration, split by a forward slash, or three dashes representing a milestone.
Milestones, I decided, were to be a way to have subtotals of time in your project, for example running worklog list with the above worklog provides this output:


This allows me to, for example, return to the same project on multiple

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Waste Eater

Aug 19, 2023

a review

Waste Eater

Author: cain

Year: 2023

Link To Game

Waste eaters is a very unique game that really speaks to my feelings.

Through it's controlled pacing, it's slow dialogue, and it's simple graphics it evokes really strong emotions about purposelessness.
The art style and sound design are beautiful, especially as a pixel artist myself. You won't find any music in this game, its not that kind of game.

The concepts of body horror, of transhumanism, and of being treated as lesser for it all speak to me on a fundamental level as a disabled nonbinary not quite human creature. While in the story of Waste Eater these are by choice, these were not by choice for me, and yet there is still interesting collisions and matching between these two concepts.

In Waste Eater, the character you play has taken upon themself, along with many others, a last ditch attempt to save the world. And no one thought it would work, and yet it did. I also have made last ditch attempts that worked, and i have also struggled in the results of them even if they worked.
Cenno is my last ditch attempt. It bars me from getting well paying work, it is not enough to live on, and yet like in Waste Eater, it worked. I am alive, it is better then the alternitve, its a net positive. And yet it is still a painful thing. I am still suffering, I am still poor, but i often have to face the thought "I should be glad."
In the end, i don't have to be. I'm allowed to be mad, angry, to want to live. Waste Eater expresses these

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Jul 08, 2023

Inspired by my friend the rats, i have created a theming system for my site!
Currently i just have the default, "starscape" theme, and a y2k theme,  but i may add more in the future!

(you can click the dashed box in the nav menu to change the theme!)

I have done this using the magic of CSS and JavaScript. While i'd love to do it without js completely thats just not possible :'c

I wrote up some code to demonstrate how this might be done, it is as follows:


<body theme="">
  <label for=theme>theme:</label>
  <select id=theme onchange="document.body.setAttribute('theme',this.value);localStorage.setItem('theme', this.value)">
    <option value=red> red </option>
    <option value=green> green </option>
    <option value=blue> blue </option>


  background: pink;
  background: aquamarine;
  background: skyblue;
html, body{
  height: 100%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  transition-duration: 0.2s;
  display: flex;

div {
  background-color: white;
  padding: 3ch;
  border-radius: 1ch;

and javascript:

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  let theme = localStorage.getItem("theme")
  document.body.setAttribute('theme', theme ?? "red")
  document.querySelector("#theme").value = theme ?? "red";

This results in the following:

if you have any more ideas for themes, let me know! this was really fun to do, and thanks again to my friends the rats

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The Redstone Computing Revolution

Mar 06, 2023

23w07a: the jukebox snapshot


There have been some recent developments in minecraft redstone, that is that we can now automate jukeboxes. This at a glance seems cool but i believe it is going to lead to a revolution in redstone computing.

Previously, we could only store 4 bits per inventory slot, using shulkerboxes. this was done by filling shulkerboxes with certain amounts of items in order to have them output certain signals, from 1-16 1-15, with a dummy item (such as a shovel) acting as a 0. this allowed us to store 108 bits in a single chest, or 75 chests for a single kilobyte.
Now we can store 108 bits in a single shulkerbox, by using music discs. as when played in a jukebox they can output signals 1-16 1-15. this is massive, as it allows us to use shulkerboxes as containers rather then nibbles[1], allowing us to compact our data down by 27x. that's 2916 bits per chest, or 3 chests per kilobyte.

Along with this increase in data density, we also have an increase in read and write speed! read speed has increased to 20 bps from 5 bps [2]. write speed i have not calculated but i imagine it can be faster then hopper speed (10 bps) using instant dropper lines, which at that point it would only be a matter how how fast you can request data to be written.

with all of these changes, im expecting to see a boom in redstone computing soon! and i can say i am Very excited!

  1. A nibble is a term for half of a byte, or 4 bits. this is also equivalent to a single hex number. ↩︎

  2. calculated by Mr_Korwaldski ↩︎

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Pebble Rebel

Mar 03, 2023

A journey about my new pebble watch

Today marks the day that i have fully repaired my pebble steel!
It took some time, and i didn't take photos because i did it for me not for the content.

When i got my pebble, the first thing i did was learnt to make a watch face! C is a somewhat known language to me but im def still learning, so there were a few weird mishaps. but i defintely have to thank the rebble discord for helping me learn!
My watch face took a few days, and im still tweaking it, however it is so fun to learn a newish language, and solve problems, so i can wear my own art!

a watchface with a fox showing low battery, 21deg, 15:17, and cloudy a mock up of the previous watch face, but with placeholder numbers and a bluetooth disconnect image a flicking motion of the watch to activate the backlight and display an early version of the watch face

as well as that, i have also done some hardware repairs to the watch! this previous wensday i went to a watch shop, and had them replace the old screws (torx t3) as one was stripped and needed removal and replacement, after that i opened it up, careful not to pull the vibration motor off, and stuck some folded up paper in the back. this was to reduce screen taring while i waited on my replacement zebra strip to arrive.
Today that part arrived, so i opened up my watch again and took the whole thing apart! the hardest part was probably slipping the new zebra strip into place, as it was thicker then the original (which was intentional), however i managed to squeeze it back into the motherboard and return everything to its regular place.

I still have a piece of paper with one fold in the back, down from 6 before repairs, just to make certain screen taring remains a thing of the past.

I'm not sure what i will do in future with this watch

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Updated Blog

Mar 02, 2023

and what im doing at the moment

As you may have noticed if you have looked at this page before now, i updated my blog somewhat! now you can see a fair bit of the post!

this was inspired by my friend rats, who has been starting to post to their own site too! it made me happy and i decided i want to post my longer form things that aren't structured articles, like this.

Later, i plan to talk some about my journey with my new pebble steel, both in software which i am experienced in, and hardware which i am not. i have already done some bodge repairs, while i wait for parts to arrive, but i hope it will be good in the future!

Html Theme

Jan 07, 2023

A small snippet that you can play with to test colour theme ideas for websites

I was working on some themes for a site when i decided to make this to help better visulise the themes:

Here is the site in an iframe, though to edit the colours you'll either have to save the site from this link or use your browsers inspector

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>Block Site</title>
        /* Test Colours Here */
            --link: #333;
            --head: #666;
            --nav: #999;
            --text: #eee;
            --background: #fff;

        body, html{
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            background-color: var(--background);
            background-color: var(--head);
            height: 4ch;
        body section{
            display: grid;
            grid-template-columns: 1fr 9fr;
            height: 100%;
            background-color: var(--nav);
            min-width: 8ch;
            font-size: 1.5em;
            padding: 1ch;
        .word {
            display: inline-block;
            width: calc(var(--l, 6)*1ch);
            background-color: var(--text);
            height: 1em;
            margin-left: 0.5ch;
            background-color: var(--link);
    <body onload='document.querySelectorAll(".word").forEach((el)=>{"--l", Math.floor((Math.random()*8)+3))})'>
            <nav class="sidebar"></nav>
            <article class="content">
                <!-- 100 "Words"-->
                <span class="word"></span><span class="word"></span><span class="word"></span><span class="word"></span><span class="word"></span><span class="word"></span
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New year

Dec 31, 2022

New me..mes

What a wild ride it has been! I am writing this just as a sort of "woo!" for the end of the year.

I did a lot this year, mostly related to health stuff. my wheelchair was meant to be delivered earlier this month but alas did not, but that means it will be a brand new thing!

I became the web warlock of Neokosmos (this was meant to be a link but the live site seems to be down and my site is still beta), a project that captured my heart since 2017 and has now captured my soul as i struggle with google's api to allow the writers to have 0 friction in updating the site, as the books are still WIP.

I got a cat!


I did a drawing a day almost for an entire year, starting with my very first post on 07/02/2022, which means only a month left until that's been going on a full year!

I did a lot with many projects over this year that made me very happy.

I even migrated servers, not planning on doing that again!

I made new friends, reconnected with old, and had so much fun.

I hope this coming year will be just as amazing!

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Absolute Paths, Absolute Madness

Dec 25, 2022

Don't forget about them

So. our story begins last month when i moved servers.
i didn't set up a backup script because i felt that it was unnecessary as i had server backups enabled. Easy!

Until last week that is, when during a change to how i store what date a post was created on, i accidentally made everything on the same day.
why does sed change the creation date metadata anyway‽‽

I quickly found out that server backups are just images, snapshots, of the server, meaning I'd have to loose the last 24 hours of data from stuff like which was a no go for me.

So. that absolutely sucked, luckily i had a partial backup in the form of the original images for my art. so i managed to automate the restoral of that for the most part, excluding about the previous two weeks.

After that, i decided to set up the amazing Backup Script!

I think it was a clever script;

#! /bin/bash

# Make Backups
tar -cvzf "./$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").tar.gz" -C /root/ ./static/files/ ./SitePosts/ ./webMentio
ns && echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mFinished Site Backup\e[0m" &
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall -v | gzip -9 > "./postgres/postgres-$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").gz" && echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102
mFinished Postgres Backup\e[0m" &
mongodump --gzip --archive="./mongodb/mongo-$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").gz" && echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mFinished Mongo Back
up\e[0m" &

wait ${T1}
wait ${T2}
wait ${T3}
echo -e "\e[1m\e[38;2;238;170;102mFinished
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Yet another explanation of the fediverse (or mastodon or friendica or pixelfed or peertube or pleroma or akkoma or activity pub or writefreely or honk or any other number of software names)

Nov 18, 2022

A hopefully understandable informational piece on the fediverse

So, twitter is dying and you've decided you don't want to deal with corporations any more. But what is the fediverse (or the list of the things in the title)?
The fediverse put simply is like email, except it is styled differently. Everyone has their own address, for example mine is, and anyone can talk to anyone else no matter where they are. I can talk to @foo@mastodon.example just as easily as i can talk to @bar@pixelfed.example.

What do you mean?? How's it work??

To put it simply, your instance, the site that your account is on, keeps a list of other sites it knows about. When you create a post, the site sends the post to all the sites it knows about. And then other people can boost that post which tells all of their followers about your post, even if they don't know about the site you are on yet! This is called federation.

What about likes?

Likes, favourites, kudos, whatever you may call them, they work the exact same way. and i mean exactly the same way! Your instance sends the same message, except for the fact the message is labelled "Like" instead of "Post". This however does mean that there is no such thing as accurate numbers in the fediverse, because it takes time for information to pass across the internet. If you follow someone however it is usually only 30 seconds or so at the most.
And this also applies for follows, for DMs (which are just posts, see Hold on, Admins can read my DMs??), for emoji reacts, for anything that can happen on the

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